20 Uhr (Einlass: 19.30 Uhr)
Eintritt: 15 € (Mitglieder: 12 € – Besucher unter 21 J.: 5
Liebe Jazz:yl-Freunde und -Interessenten,
willkommen im musikalischen 2017. Jazz:yl’s erster Beitrag zur Bereicherung desselben bringt ein weiteres Highlight kammermusikalischer experimenteller Improvisationsmusik nach Hofheim: das bereits seit vielen Jahren aktive (Streich-)Trio Kimmig-Studer-Zimmerlin, erweitert um den britischen Saxophonisten John Butcher. Auch als Quartett haben sich die vier Musiker seit langem bewährt und bescheren dem Hörer eine faszinierendes Klangerlebnis aus abstrakten erweiteren Klängen und Spieltechniken, kombiniert mit subtiler Interaktion.
Kimmig / Studer / Zimmerlin + John Butcher
Harald Kimmig – Violine
Daniel Studer – Kontrabass
Alfred Zimmerlin – Cello
John Butcher – Sopran & Tenor Saxophon
Pressestimmen & Biographisches:
„[…] Einen besonders nachhaltigen Eindruck hinterließ das Trio Harald Kimmig (Violine), Daniel Studer (Kontrabass) und Alfred Zimmerlin (Cello), das um den Saxofonisten John Butcher ergänzt worden war. Die Gruppe lieferte einen wilden, teilweise bedrohlichen Auftritt ab. Die Musiker verließen mit ihren Instrumenten dabei häufig die klassischen Aufgabenbereiche. Cello und Violine dienten immer wieder als Rhythmusgruppe, während sich der Kontrabass als Soloinstrument etablierte. Auch die Spielweise der Instrumente wurde erweitert. Die Saiten wurden gestrichen, gezogen, geschlagen und zerkratzt, das gesamte Instrument wurde – vom Hals bis zu den Füßen – als Klangkörper genutzt. John Butcher erwies sich als perfekte Ergänzung für das Trio. Als Meister der Zirkularatmung und des Überblasens entlockt er seinen Holzblasinstrumenten Töne, die den Zuhörer vor die Frage stellen: Welches der Instrumente ist jetzt für den Klang verantwortlich?“
Neue Musikzeitung – Holger Pauler
Harald Kimmig, violin
Harald Kimmig is improvising musician and performance artist. In his work he explores sounds and musical and other artistic forms by means of improvisation and their connections with other arts. In addition to cooperation with the trio Kimmig Studer Zimmerlin he gives concerts in various formations. With his ,Human Factory‘ he realizes performances as a soloist as well as in collaboration with writers, visual artists and dancers. Guests were a.o. the writer Annette Pehnt, the visual artist Axel Malik and the dancers Lilo Stahl, Hideto Heshiki, Michael Schumacher u.v.a.m. In December 2016, his new production ,Interface‘ will have its premiere. On behalf of the ‚Netzwerk Neue Musik Baden-Württemberg’ Harald Kimmig is Composer in Residence of the city Villingen-Schwenningen in 2016. He teaches improvisation at the Musikhochschule Trossingen ‚, the TIP (Schule für Tanz, Improvisation und Performance), Freiburg and is a regular guest teacher at the Music Academies of Basel and Bern a.o.
Daniel Studer, bass
Master of arts in Music Pedagogy, guest composer at the Elektronisches Studio in Basel, composition with Johannes Schöllhorn.
His focus lies on improvisation and mixed forms of improvisation and composition. He participated in various projects involving space – and projects with live electronics; further fields of interest are music and language, music and dance. The constant exploration of his instrument has led to performances as a soloist, too.
He has been teaching improvisation since 1993 at different music schools so at the Bern University of the Arts.
2011 award from the city of Zurich (Werkjahr der Stadt Zürich).
Alfred Zimmerlin , violoncello
was born 1955 and studied musicology and ethnomusicology at Zurich University, music theory, and composition (Hans Wüthrich and Hans Ulrich Lehmann). His ample oeuvre as a composer comprises pieces for piano, chamber music, vocal music, orchestral music, electronic music, music theatre, and works for radio and film. As an improvising cellist, Zimmerlin has taken part in various formations in Europe and the US, so he is an active member of KARL ein KARL, improvising and composing in cooperation with Peter K Frey and Michel Seigner, of Kimmig-Studer-Zimmerlin and of various other „working bands“ of free improvised music. Alfred Zimmerlin’s work as improvising musician and composer are available on numerous recordings. His artistic activities have been awarded with several prizes. He also is professor for free improvisation at the University of Music – FHNW Basel/Switzerland.
John Butcher, saxophon
John Butcher’s work ranges through improvisation, his own compositions, multitracked pieces and explorations with feedback and extreme acoustics.
Originally a physicist, he left academia in ’82, and has since collaborated with hundreds of musicians – Derek Bailey, John Tilbury, John Stevens, The EX, Akio Suzuki, Gerry Hemingway, Polwechsel, Gino Robair, Rhodri Davies, Okkyung Lee, John Edwards, Toshi Nakamura, Paul Lovens, Eddie Prevost, Mark Sanders, Christian Marclay, Otomo Yoshihide, Phil Minton, and Andy Moor – to name a few.
He is well known as a solo performer who attempts to engage with the uniqueness of place. Resonant Spaces is a collection of site-specific performances collected during a tour of unusual locations in Scotland and the Orkney Islands.
His first solo album, Thirteen Friendly Numbers, includes compositions for multitracked saxophones, whilst later solo CDs focus on live performance, composition, amplification and saxophone-controlled feedback.
HCMF has twice commissioned him to compose for his own large ensembles. Other commissions include for Elision (Australia), the Rova (USA) & Quasar (Canada) Saxophone Quartets, reconstructed Futurist Intonarumori (USA), „Tarab Cuts“ (based on pre-WWII Arabic recordings, and shortlisted for the 2014 British Composer’s Award) and „Good Liquor ..“ for the London Sinfonietta. In 2011 he received a Paul Hamlyn Foundation Award for Artists.
Recent groupings include The Apophonics with Robair and Edwards, Anemone with Peter Evans, Plume with Tony Buck & Magda Mayas and a trio with Okkyung Lee & Mark Sanders.
Butcher values playing in occasional encounters – ranging from large groups such as Butch Morris‘ London Skyscraper and the EX Orkestra, to duo concerts with David Toop, Kevin Drumm, Claudia Binder, Paal Nilssen-Love, Thomas Lehn, Fred Frith, Keiji Haino, Ute Kangeisser, Matthew Shipp and Yuji Takahashi.